1 Hour
1.0 LU

Fuel cells are electrical generation devices that utilize a chemical reaction to unleash a fuel's latent energy. They are clean, quiet, efficient, and scalable, offering versatility in nearly every power application. While fuel cells are being deployed for portable and transportation applications, this course will focus primarily on how fuel cells can provide electricity, and in some cases heat and cooling, for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. The course will also explain how fuel cells work, what attributes make them appealing for incorporation into the built environment, and how they improve efficiency and resiliency.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of how fuel cells operate;
  • Understand the health advantages of fuel cells by recognizing their low acoustic signature and limited emissions;
  • Recall the design advantages of citing fuel cell systems due to the ease of connecting to natural gas infrastructure; and
  • Identify several specific sources of renewably generated hydrogen and the inherent sustainability and environmental well-being that can be achieved by using fuel cells and renewable fuels.