MASS Design Group's Q&A Discusses Architect’s Role in Controlling Infection

A question and answer session by international nonprofit MASS Design Group, published in ARCHITECT magazine on May 28, explores the role that architecture can play during health crises. Chris Scovel, MASS Design Group director, and Michael Murphy, founding principal and executive director, discussed MASS Design’s COVID-19 Task Group response, unique response to the homeless population and their particular vulnerability to COVID-19, and how the pandemic can help us understand the spaces around us more comprehensively.

Construction Dive: Who Pays for Extra Time, Work to Keep Construction Workers Safe?

Construction Dive website offers an interesting question-and-answer interview with Patrick J. Greene Jr., partner in Peckar & Abramson's Government Contracts Practice, discussion some of the legal and economic issues surrounding construction, during the COVID-19 era. Topics Greene tackles include: what types of guidance to follow, providing for a safe working environment while carrying the extra costs—as well as who pays for the costs—and how to develop a plan that addresses worker protection and project hygiene for new and existing projects.
