GIS Systems Lead Response to COVID-19

The widespread use of GIS for COVID-19 response has demonstrated the power of geospatial thinking and the scalability, speed, and insight provided by GIS. More than simply mapping phenomena, GIS uses geography to furnish context for events in a common reference system. Applying spatial analysis tools, GIS brings out the relationships, patterns, and associations that are often hidden by the complexity of data. GIS has been critical to the ability of state and local governments to react to the pandemic.

Why COVID-19 Raises The Stakes For Healthy Buildings

With the current state of affairs surrounding COVID-19 over-all healthy building design has become more important than ever before. Even before the pandemic struck, there were plenty of reasons to be concerned about air quality and ventilation in the buildings where we live and work. After all, healthier indoor environments don’t just keep us from getting sick—they also enhance cognitive performance. With this trend towards healthier building only projected to increase, the initial costs are far outweighed by the many benefits.
