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Pre-Event WS: Energy and Water Treasure Hunts: Saving Energy While Decarbonizing Your Facility  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
2 hours
1:00PM - 3:00PM (ET)

Pittsburgh, PA

0.3 CEU
Sponsored by: 

DOE Federal Energy Management Program - FEMP

Guided training event known as Treasure Hunts that assist agencies in strategically meeting agencies energy and water operations and maintenance (O&M) efficiency goals through identification, quantification, and implementation of low-to-no-cost energy savings measures. This continuous improvement process utilizes onsite non-technical and technical staff to identify non-capital investment energy efficiency improvements within a facility. Treasure Hunts empower attendees to train other staff members and foster a culture of continuous improvement leading to a reduction of O&M costs and associated greenhouse gas emissions.


Nael Nmair, Program Manager, Auditing, Operations and Maintenance, Re-tuning, DOE: Department of Energy - Federal Energy Management Program  

Program Manager, Auditing, Operations and Maintenance, Re-tuning, DOE: Department of Energy - Federal Energy Management Program

Chris Jackson, MPM, CEM, PMP, Lindahl Reed  

Chris Jackson has 29 years of DOD O&M experience which includes energy management, project management, HVAC/R, building science thermography. Additional experience includes four years of commercial sector project management and facility operations experience. Chris holds a master's degree in project management, Certified Energy Manager and Project Management Professional Certification.

Walter Firmin, Sr.  

Walter Firmin, Sr. has 23-years of federal and civilian sector Energy, Building Automations and HVAC systems and 20-years of federal work experience. Mr. Firmin has excelled across the energy efficiency spectrum by maximizing project efficiency through implementation of BAS strategies, application of effective Measure & Verification techniques and reduction of energy consumption through targeted project engagement activities. Additional experience includes significant energy performance contractor support such as program guidance, strategic planning, energy analysis and energy project management for several major energy service contractors.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize basic HVAC, plumbing, lighting principles;
  • Identify fundamental energy savings measures in a commercial facility environment;
  • Indicate how to utilize DOE web-based software to quantify energy savings with simple payback method.