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This UFC is written to provide guidance for development of distribution pipelines carrying natural gas, manufactured gas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in its vapor phase, that are installed on Department of Defense (DoD) owned property, from the point of delivery by the gas supplier to the points of connection to the buildings’ fuel gas piping. This UFC implements the regulations written in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 49, Part 192 (49 CFR 192), Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards. This UFC applies where the DoD is the responsible operator of the distribution pipeline. Where a private utility provider is designated as the responsible operator, this UFC is to inform Government personnel of the requirements that apply to the distribution pipeline.

This document does not cover building fuel gas piping, which is the piping system that connects to the last downstream component of the distribution pipeline, either isolation valve, service regulator or meter, and supplies fuel gas to individual appliances. Refer to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 54, the International Code Council (ICC) fuel gas code and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) 23 11 25 Facility Gas Piping for guidance when installing building fuel gas piping. This document does not cover systems used to convey LPG in its liquid phase. Refer to 49 CFR 195 and UFC 3-460-01 for liquid phase LPG pipelines and transfer systems. Refer to NFPA 58, the ICC fuel gas code and UFGS 23 11 25 Facility Gas Piping for guidance when installing a single LPG storage tank with LPG service to a single building.