1 Hour
Professional Development Hours
1.0 PDH

Cathodic Protection is a corrosion prevention and control mechanism utilizing the properties of the electro-chemical corrosion cell. This course is intended to provide an overview of cathodic protection across the facilities life-cycle. The course is targeted to facilities professionals that plan, design, construct , and maintain DoD facilities. However, the course material is applicable for anyone that is interested in, or responsible for corrosion prevention of utilities, systems, and structures utilizing cathodic protection.

Learning Objectives

By completing this course you will learn and be able to:

  • Provide an overview of Cathodic Protection (CP) systems as they apply to facilities and infrastructure;
  • Identify the generic types of CP Systems and the different structures where they are employed;
  • Identify applicable CP criteria and resources;
  • Provide an overview of general design procedures for CP systems;
  • Identify critical data necessary for the sustainment of CP systems; and
  • Provide an overview of maintenance requirements, inspections, and testing of CP systems.