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This report provides a standardized approach for gauging the feasibility of potential solar, wind, and hydropower projects for application at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) navigation sites in advancement of Federal sustainability goals for renewable generation and energy consumption. Federal renewable energy targets are identified, and back-ground information is provided on each type of renewable energy. Guidance is provided for identifying and assessing site-specific conditions relevant to evaluating the suitability of each considered renewable energy type at a potential project location.

Methodology is presented for system sizing, estimating project cost, and evaluating potential utility savings. Geo-graphic resource availability and regulatory information is provided and discussed. The information provided within this report is a static snapshot of an evolving technology landscape. It provides a sound methodology for evaluation of each technology and, where possible, references outside sources that are maintained and updated by other parties. This report focuses on the scale of projects appropriate to use at USACE navigation sites.