Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)  Subscribe to Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)

UFGS Release - Master Updated August 15 2024; Posted August 22, 2024

Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) are a joint effort of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (HQ AFCEC). UFGS are for use in specifying construction for the military services.

Note: On September 30, 2023, NASA officially withdrew from the UFGS program. The final NASA UFGS Master is available on the WBDG at NASA UFGS Master Specifications.

The UFGS are only published in electronic format and are intended to be used with SpecsIntact software; SpecsIntact supports the UFGS format. The UFGS Master complies with UFC 1-300-02.

Updated UFGS are posted quarterly in February, May, August, and November.

UFGS that have been unified for use by all participating agencies have a level 3 or level 4 Section number. The UFGS uses level 5 to identify a single-agency specification. The number "10" is used by USACE, "20" by NAVFAC, and "30" by AFCEC. The order of precedence for selecting UFGS sections for a project is generally:

  1. Regional UFGS if required by the contract or published on WBDG
  2. Single-agency UFGS for whom project is being developed
  3. Unified UFGS
  4. UFGS identified as specific to another DoD Service (for DoD projects only)

Points of contact and procedures for the development and maintenance of UFGS documents are prescribed in the latest edition of MIL-STD-3007.

The UFGS Section Template is now provided in the UFGS Master with each quarterly release and can be found under Tools in the SpecsIntact Explorer.

SpecsIntact for NMCI Users

Questions, comments, suggestions and recommended changes for guide specifications should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR). To submit, click on the CCR link next to the document title (below). CCRs are not appropriate when they pertain to a specific project solicitation, request for proposal, or after a project award. Questions or interpretations pertaining to these documents or situations should be referred to the Contracting Officer.

Click the 'Title' or 'Date' heading to sort by ascending or descending order. Narrow the list by selecting a 'Division' option from the drop-down or view archived documents by selecting from the 'Status' drop-down and clicking 'Apply'.

Active documents are available in the following formats:   SpecsIntact (SEC) in compressed ZIP  |   Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Archived release files are available in  Adobe Acrobat (PDF) in compressed ZIP

  Indicates the UFGS has an attachment. Click the title to view the attachment under 'Related Materials'.

Title Date View CCR
UFGS 33 56 10 Factory-Fabricated Fuel Storage Tanks   05-01-2019  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 56 19 Fuel Impermeable Liner System   11-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 56 21.17 Single Wall Aboveground Fixed Roof Steel POL Storage Tank   11-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 56 21.18 Single Wall POL Tank Undertank Interstitial Space   11-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 56 53 Compressed Gases Storage Tanks   05-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 57 55 Fuel Systems Components (Non-Hydrant)   11-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 60 02 Aboveground Heat Distribution System   08-01-2024  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 61 13 Pre-Engineered Underground Heat Distribution System   08-01-2024  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 61 13.13 Prefabricated Underground Hydronic Energy Distribution   02-01-2016  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 61 13.19 Valves, Piping, and Equipment in Valve Manholes   02-01-2016  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 61 14 Exterior Buried Preinsulated Water Piping   02-01-2010  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 63 13 Exterior Underground Steam Distribution System   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 63 13.19 Concrete Trench Hydronic and Steam Energy Distribution   02-01-2016  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 63 14 Exterior Buried Pumped Condensate Return   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 63 16 Exterior Shallow Trench Steam Distribution   07-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 63 23 Exterior Aboveground Steam Distribution   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 71 01 Overhead Transmission and Distribution   05-01-2019  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 71 02 Underground Electrical Distribution   08-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 33 82 00 Telecommunications Outside Plant (OSP)   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 34 - Transportation   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 34 11 00 Railroad Track and Accessories   04-01-2008  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 34 11 19.00 20 Welding Crane and Railroad Rail - Thermite Method   08-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 34 71 13.16 Vehicle Crash Barriers   02-01-2015  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 34 73 13 Aircraft Tiedowns   11-01-2019  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 34 73 16 Airfield Grounding   11-01-2019  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 34 75 13.13 Crash Rated Active Vehicle Barriers And Controls   02-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 35 - Waterway and Marine Construction   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 35 01 41.00 10 Electromechanical Operating Machinery for Locks and Dams   08-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 01 70.13 Wire Rope for Gate Operating Devices   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 05 40.14 10 Hydraulic Power Systems for Civil Works Structures   11-01-2023  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 05 40.17 Self-Lubricated Materials, Fabrication, Handling, and Assembly   08-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 14 Stoplogs   08-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 15 FRP Composites for Low-Head Water Control Structures   08-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 16.33 Hydraulic Miter Gates   08-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 16.39 Hydraulic Sector Gates   08-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 16.46 Hydraulic Tainter Gates and Anchorages   08-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 16.53 Hydraulic Vertical Lift Gates   08-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 16.54 Slide Gates and Actuators   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 16.59 Closure Gates   08-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 20 Electrical Equipment for Gate Hoist   05-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 23 Dredging   08-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 23.13 National Dredging Quality Management Program - Scow [Monitoring][ and ][Ullage] Profile   02-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 23.23 National Dredging Quality Management Program - Hopper Dredge   02-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 20 23.33 National Dredging Quality Management Program - Pipeline Hydraulic Dredge   02-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 31 19 Stone, Channel, Shoreline/Coastal Protection for Structures   11-01-2023  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 31 19.20 Articulating Concrete Block Revetments   11-01-2023  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 41 00 Levee Construction   11-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 42 34 Reinforced Soil Slope   08-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 45 01 Vertical Pumps, Axial-Flow and Mixed-Flow Impeller-Type   02-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 45 02.00 10 Submersible Pump, Axial-Flow and Mixed-Flow Type   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 45 03.00 10 Speed Reducers for Storm Water Pumps   05-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 45 04.00 10 Submersible Pump, Centrifugal Type   11-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 51 13.00 20 Concrete Floating Pier for Small Craft   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 59 13.13 Prestressed Concrete Fender Piling   08-01-2009  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 59 13.14 20 Polymeric Piles   02-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 59 13.16 Extruded and Molded Marine Fenders   11-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 59 13.17 Foam-Filled Marine Fenders   11-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 59 13.18 Pneumatic and Hydro-Pneumatic Marine Fenders   11-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 35 73 13 Embankment for Earth and Rockfill Dams   11-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 40 - Process Integration   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 40 05 13 Pipelines, Liquid Process Piping   10-01-2007  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 40 05 13.96 Welding Process Piping   05-01-2010  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 40 17 26.00 20 Welding Pressure Piping   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 40 60 00 Process Control   05-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 41 22 13.14 Bridge Cranes, Overhead Electric, Top Running   11-01-2019  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 22 13.15 Bridge Cranes, Overhead Electric, Under Running Trolley   11-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 22 13.16 Gantry Cranes   04-01-2008  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 22 13.33 Portal Crane Track Installation   05-01-2010  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 22 13.55 Bridge Cranes, Under Running, Aircraft Hangar   02-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 22 23.19 Monorail Hoists   05-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 36 30.00 10 Ultrasonic Inspection of Plates   01-01-2008  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 41 65 10.00 10 [Diesel] [Natural Gas] Fueled Engine Pump Drives   05-01-2009  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 43 - Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 43 11 00.10 Off-Gas Fans, Blowers and Pumps   05-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 43 15 00.00 20 Low Pressure Compressed Air Piping (Non-Breathing Air Type)   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 43 21 29 Flow Measuring Equipment (Potable Water) (Sewage Treatment Plant)   04-01-2006  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 43 31 13.13 10 Activated Carbon-Gas and Liquid Purification Filters   08-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 44 - Pollution and Waste Control Equipment   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 44 10 00 Air Pollution Control   11-01-2022  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 44 13 10.13 Vapor Phase Activated Carbon Adsorption Units   05-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 44 13 51 Thermal Oxidation Equipment   05-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 44 41 00 Water Pollution Containment And Cleanup Equipment   08-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 46 - Water and Wastewater Equipment   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 46 07 13.13 Precipitation/Coagulation/Flocculation (P/C/F) Water Treatment   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 07 53 Packaged Wastewater Treatment Equipment   02-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 20 20 Sewage Bar Screen and Mechanical Shredder   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 23 00 Grit Removal and Handling Equipment   02-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 24 16 Comminutors   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 25 14 Coalescing [or Vertical Tube] Oil-Water Separators   02-01-2011  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 30 00 Water and Wastewater Chemical Feed Systems   08-01-2017  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 30 13 Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP)   02-01-2011  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 31 11 Chlorine Gas Feed Equipment   08-01-2017  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 43 21 Circular Clarifier Equipment   02-01-2020  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 51 00.00 10 Air and Gas Diffusion System   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 53 22 Trickling Filter   05-01-2018  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 53 62 Continuous Loop Reactor (CLR) Wastewater Treatment System   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 61 00 Filtration Equipment   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 66 56 Open-Channel Disinfection Equipment   05-01-2021  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 46 71 16 Gravity Belt Thickeners   02-01-2011  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
Division 48 - Electrical Power Generation   08-01-2024  ZIP
UFGS 48 06 15 Turbine Oil   11-01-2023  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 48 14 00 Solar Photovoltaic Systems   05-01-2017  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 48 14 13.00 20 Solar Liquid Flat Plate and Evacuated Tube Collectors   05-01-2015  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 48 15 00 Wind Generator System   05-01-2017  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
UFGS 48 16 00 Landfill Gas Systems   05-01-2017  PDF |  ZIP  CCR
