NAVFAC Building Information Management and Modeling (BIM) & Facility Electronic Operation and Maintenance Support Information (eOMSI) Program   


The Navy is the 1st Federal Government Agency to leverage Building Information Management and Modeling (BIM) to acquire Facility Electronic Operation and Maintenance Support Information (eOMSI). While many Federal Agencies have implemented BIM over the past ten years for design and construction, NAVFAC is leveraging this process and technology to extend the life cycle of facilities and reducing their total ownership cost. Implementing BIM / eOMSI will improve the accuracy of the Navy's shore asset portfolio by standardizing electronic deliverables: required facility data, 2D drawings, and 3D parametric models.


NAVFAC has the unique responsibility to plan, design, construct, and maintain Navy facilities. The Capital Improvements Business Line (CIBL) plans, designs and constructs facilities; the Public Works Business Line (PWBL) maintains facilities. CIBL took a proactive approach to understand how BIM technology was cost effective to support the maintenance of Navy facilities post-construction. Based on CIBL's review of facility related data processes and systems, a detailed facility life cycle map was generated to document a generic military construction project (MILCON) highlighting key milestones throughout the process: planning; design; construction; activation/transition; sustainment, restoration & modernization; and disposal. After executing in-house BIM Pilot Projects and coordinating with PWBL on their facility maintenance database requirements (MAXIMO), NAVFAC developed a phased plan to incorporate BIM to acquire Facility Electronic Operation and Maintenance Support Information (eOMSI), see Figure 1.

Top Level Facility Life Cycle Process Map

Figure 1. Top Level Facility Life Cycle Data Map

CIBL and PWBL collaborated to develop a BIM/eOMSI process to improve the delivery of accurate required facility data. The eOMSI Facility Data Workbook (FDW) is an excel spreadsheet that documents the Mastersystems, Systems, and Subsystems installed in the facility during construction by the Contractor. For each Subsystem installed in the facility, the Construction Contractor populates up to 17 required standardized facility asset data fields, see Table 1. Upon construction completion the Construction Contractor submits the final eOMSI FDW which is a contract deliverable to PWBL for upload to their authoritative database (MAXIMO).

Top Level Facility Life Cycle Process Map

Table 1. Required Facility Asset Fields for Public Works MAXIMO Authoritative Database

BIM Definition

  • To develop a comprehensive strategy for collecting, managing, and sharing required data / information to accurately support facility life cycle from early planning to building disposal.

BIM Goals

  • Standardize data processes and data format for facility life-cycle sustainment.
  • Data entered once, used repeatedly, used consistently, and maintained current.


  • Electronic Data Deliverables (EDD) for facility life-cycle sustainment, restoration, and modernization (SRM).
    • Part I eOMSI Manuals:
         1) Product & Drawing Information
         2) Facility Information
    • Part II eOMSI Facility Data Workbook (FDW)
  • Software vendor neutral.

NAVFAC BIM is not:

  • A specific software solution (e.g. REVIT, Bentley); NAVFAC does not require private industry to purchase a particular software package to execute BIM.
  • NAVFAC is software neutral and does not specify a standard application to execute BIM.
  • A modeling solution.
MAXIMO Master System List: A10 Foundations, A20 Basement Construction, B10 Superstructure, B20 Exterior Enclosure, B30 Roofing, C10 Interior Construction, C20 Stairs, C30 Interior Finishes, D10 Conveying, D20 Plumbing, D30 HVAC, D40 Fire Protection, D50 Electrical

Table 2. Typical MAXIMO Mastersystem Table for Navy Construction or Major Renovation Project Inside the 5' line

MAXIMO Master System List: J10 Electric Utilities, K10 Potable Water Utilities, K20 Non-Potable Water Utilites, K30 Fire Protection Water Utilities, K40 Salt Water Utilities, L10 Steam Utilities, L20 High Temp Hot Water Utilities, L30 Domestic Hot Water Utilities, L40 Chilled Water Utilities, M10 Sanitary Sewer Utilities, M20 Industrical Wastewater Utilities, M30 Oily Wastewater Utilities, M40 Storm Water Utilities, N10 Natural Gas Utilities, N20 Propane Utilities, P10 Compressed Air Utilities, Q10 Multiple Commodity Utilities

Table 3. Typical MAXIMO Mastersystem Table for Navy Utility Project Outside the 5' Line

Workflow diagram showing NAVFAC Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Submittal Process for eOMSI Deliverables

Figure 2. Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Submittal Process for eOMSI Deliverables
View Enlarged  (formatted for printing at 11" x 17")

Workflow diagram showing NAVFAC Design-Build (DB) Submittal Process for eOMSI Deliverables

Figure 3. Design-Build (DB) Submittal Process for eOMSI Deliverables
View Enlarged PDF  (formatted for printing at 11" x 17")


At Navy Installations, Joint Bases, Department of Defense (DoD) Agencies, or Field Activities where NAVFAC PW is the maintenance provider of the facility, for the following:

  1. New construction greater than or equal to $1M.
  2. Major renovation greater than or equal to 50% of the Plant Replacement Value (PRV).
eOMSI / BIM By Service
Deliverable Navy Marine Corps Air Force USACE / Army

Table 4. eOMSI / BIM Deliverables By Service
* The PM must coordinate with the Military Service proponent at project start and confirm that eOMSI Manuals are required.





Acronym List

BMS - Business Management System
BOD - Beneficial Occupancy Date
CIO - Chief Information Officer
CM - Construction Manager
DB - Design-Build
DBB - Design-Bid-Build
DM - Design Manager
DOR - Designer of Record
eOMSI - Electronic Operations and Maintenance Support Information
FC - Facilities Criteria
FDW - Facility Data Workbook
FMD - Facilities Management Division
FMS - Facility Management Specialist
GOVT - Government
KTR - Contractor
O&M - Operation and Maintenance
PM - Project Manager
PxP - Project Execution Plan
PRV - Plant Replacement Value
RFP - Request for Proposal
SRM - Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization
UFGS - Unified Facilities Guide Specifications

Federal Facility Criteria: