The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) through the National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC) has developed the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide (MIDG) to provide a comprehensive source of information on the performance, use, testing and standardization of mechanical insulation in buildings and industrial facilities.
The MIDG is continually being improved and updated. Any edits, revisions, updates or interest in adding new information should be directed through the 'Contact' link at the top of this page. Disclaimer
- Introduction
- Background
- National Mechanical Insulation Committee
- National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC) Objective
- Mechanical Insulation Market Definitions
- Scope of the Design Guide
- Using the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide
- Why?, What?, Where?, How?, How To?, How Much?
- Example Design Problems
- Example 1
- Example 2
Design Objectives
- Introduction
- Design Objectives
- Condensation Control
- Energy Conservation - Financial Considerations
- Economic Considerations - Return on Investment
- Economic Thickness Considerations
- Environmental Considerations - Sustainability
- Fire Safety
- Freeze Protection
- Personnel Protection - Safety
- Process Control
- Noise Control
- Other Design Considerations
- Abuse Resistance
- Corrosion Under Insulation
- Indoor Air Quality
- Maintainability
- Regulatory Considerations
- Service and Location
- Service Life
Materials and Systems
- Introduction
- Categories of Insulation Materials
- Physical Properties of Insulation Materials
- Product Characteristics of Thermal Insulation Materials
- Cellular Insulations
- Elastomeric
- Cellular Glass
- Polystyrene
- Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
- Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)
- Polyisocyanurate
- Polyurethane
- Sprayed Polyurethane Foam
- Poured-in-Place Polyurethane
- Phenolic
- Melamine
- Polyethylene/Polyolefin
- Polyimide
- Fibrous Insulations
- Mineral Fiber (Fiberglass and Mineral Wool)
- Fiberglass
- Mineral Wool
- Mineral Fiber Pipe
- Mineral Fiber Blanket
- Mineral Fiber Block and Board
- Textile Glass
- High Temperature Fiber
- Mineral Fiber (Fiberglass and Mineral Wool)
- Granular Insulations
- Calcium Silicate
- Molded Expanded Perlite
- Microporous Insulation
- Silica Aerogels
- Poured-In-Place Insulation
- Reflective Insulation
- Cellular Insulations
- Categories of Weather Barriers, Vapor Retarders, and Finishes
- Physical Properties of Weather Barriers, Vapor Retarders, and Finishes
- Product Characteristics of Weather Barriers, Vapor Retarders, and Finishes
- Metal Rolls and Sheets
- Polymeric (plastic) rolls or sheets
- PVC Jackets
- PVDC Film
- Laminates
- Laminated Foil jacketing (ASJ/FSK/PSP/FSP)
- Synthetic Rubber Laminates
- Multi-ply Laminates
- Fabrics
- Mastics and Coatings
- Mastic Characteristics
- Vapor Retarder Mastics
- Weather Barrier Mastics and Coatings
- Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair of Mastic Systems
- Mastic Characteristics
- Insulating and Finishing Cements
- Fabrication of Insulation Products
- Insulation Fabrication Standard
- Removable/Reusable Insulation Covers (Industrial and Commercial)
- Accessory Products
- Adhesives
- Reinforcements for Cements and Mastics
- Sealants
- Other Accessory Products
- Introduction
- Pre-work Considerations
- Securing Methods
- Pipe and Tubing
- Insulating Pipe Hangers
- Tanks, Vessels, and Equipment
- Ducts
- Pipe and Tubing
- Finishes
- Special Considerations
- Inspection and Maintenance
- Risk Assessment Discussion
- Maintenance "Check List"
- General Guidelines for the Repair of a Below Ambient Insulation System After Substrate Inspection
- General Guidelines for the Repair of Above Ambient Insulation System After Substrate Inspection
- Example Installation Plates
Design Data
- Introduction
- Estimating Heat Loss and Heat Gain
- Controlling Surface Temperatures
- Dimensions of Standard Pipe and Tubing Insulation
- Heat Loss from Bare Pipe and Tubing
- Introduction
- Formats
- Methods of Specifying
- Defining the Scope of Work
- Specification Language and Writing Style
- Coordination with Drawings
- Coordination with Other Specification Sections
- Adequate Clearance for Proper Insulation Application
E-Learning Modules
Simple Calculators
- Relevant Standards and Guidelines
- Manufacturer by Product Type
- Mechanical Insulation Manufacturer by Product Type
- Mechanical Insulation Weather Barrier, Vapor Retarders, and Finish Manufacturers by Product Type
- Mechanical Insulation Accessory Product Manufacturer by Product Type
- References
- Educational Resources
- Other Resources