Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)  Subscribe to Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)

UFC documents provide planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and apply to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordance with DoD Directive 4270.5 (Military Construction) and USD(AT&L) Memorandum  dated 29 May 2002. UFC are distributed only in electronic media and are effective upon issuance. 

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) are responsible for administration of the UFC system. Points of contact and procedures for the development and maintenance UFC documents are prescribed in the latest edition of MIL-STD-3007.

UFCs that have been unified for use by all participating agencies have no alphabetical letter at the end of the document number. UFCs that are agency-specific have an alphabetical letter (or letters) at the end of the document. A document that has a letter "A" indicates USACE, an "N" indicates NAVFAC and an "F" indicates AFCEC. A combination of two letters indicates that the document is used by two agencies.

Facilities Criteria (FC) DESIGNATION

The "Facilities Criteria (FC)" designation has been adopted for criteria that are not applicable to all DoD Components. This is specific to facility-type documents only, for example, FC 4-721-10N "Navy and Marine Corps Unaccompanied Housing". Facilities Criteria (FC) provide functional requirements (i.e., defined by users and operational needs of a particular facility type). Differences in functional requirements between DoD Components may exist due to differences in policies and operational needs. FC are applicable only to the DoD Component(s) indicated in the title, and are intended for use with unified technical requirements published in DoD Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC).

Refer to the DOD Engineering Criteria Status Report  for the list of UFCs that were formerly Agency-specific documents. This report is no longer maintained and is provided as a reference.

UFC Template in MS Word   (08-23-2024; update made to signature page and APPLICABILITY paragraph)

Questions, comments, suggestions and recommended changes for these documents are welcome and should be submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR). To submit a Criteria Change Request, click on the CCR link next to the document below. CCRs are not appropriate when they pertain to a specific project solicitation, request for proposal or after a project award. Questions or interpretations pertaining to these documents or situation should be referred to the Contracting Officer.

Click the 'Title', 'Date' or 'Change Date' heading to sort by ascending or descending order. Narrow the list by selecting a 'Series' option from the dropdown or view archived or inactive documents by selecting from the 'Status' dropdown and clicking 'Apply'.

These documents are available in the following format:   Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

  Indicates the UFC has an attachment. Click the title to view the attachment under 'Related Materials'.

Title Date Change Datesort descending View CCR
UFC 3-410-02 Direct Digital Control for HVAC and Other Building Control Systems, with Change 2   07-18-2018 04-12-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-211-01 Aircraft Maintenance Hangars, with Change 3   04-13-2017 04-20-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-610-01 Administrative Facilities, with Change 1   01-05-2021 04-30-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-600-01 Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities, with Change 6   08-08-2016 05-06-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard, with Change 3   04-01-2014 05-18-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-730-10 Fire Stations, with Change 1   05-08-2019 06-11-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-120-10 Interior Design, with Change 2   05-16-2018 06-15-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-230-01 Water Storage and Distribution with Change 3   09-01-2018 07-01-2021  PDF  CCR
FC 4-179-03F Air Force Indoor Small Arms Firing Range, with Change 2   04-01-2015 09-20-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-575-01 Lightning and Static Electricity Protection Systems, with Change 1   07-01-2012 10-01-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-220-01 Geotechnical Engineering, with Change 1   11-01-2012 11-03-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-810-01N Navy and Marine Corps Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction, with Change 3   03-01-2016 12-01-2021  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-270-01 O&M Manual: Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Maintenance and Repair, with Change 1   02-21-2018 03-17-2022  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-740-06 Youth Centers, with Change 1   01-12-2006 03-21-2022  PDF  CCR
UFC 2-100-01 Installation Master Planning, with Change 1   09-30-2020 04-08-2022  PDF  CCR
UFC 1-200-02 High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements, with Change 2   12-01-2020 06-01-2022  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-420-01 Ammunition and Explosives Storage Magazines, with Change 1   05-01-2015 10-12-2022  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-540-01 Engine-Driven Generator Systems for Prime and Standby Power Applications, with Change 3   08-01-2014 01-26-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-120-01 Design: Sign Standards, with Change 4   03-01-2014 02-01-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-535-01 Visual Air Navigation Facilities, with Change 4   04-11-2017 04-25-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-260-17 Dust Control for Roads, Airfields and Adjacent Areas, with Change 1   05-22-2018 04-26-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-560-01 Operation and Maintenance: Electrical Safety, with Change 3   07-24-2017 05-15-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-460-01 Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities, with Change 3   07-16-2019 06-08-2023  PDF  CCR
FC 3-260-18F Air Force Aircraft Arresting Systems Installation, Operation, and Maintenance, with Change 1   10-28-2015 08-02-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 1-201-01 Non-Permanent DoD Facilities in Support of Military Operations, with Change 4   03-04-2022 08-08-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-460-03 Petroleum Fuel Systems Maintenance, with Change 2   11-10-2017 08-24-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-230-02 O&M: Water Supply Systems, with Change 2   12-10-2019 11-01-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-510-01 Design: Military Medical Facilities, with Change 3   02-03-2023 11-30-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-530-01 Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems, with Change 1   02-09-2023 12-15-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-501-01 Electrical Engineering, with Change 2   10-06-2015 12-15-2023  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-101-01 Architecture, with Change 4   12-16-2020 01-08-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-410-01 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems, with Change 9   07-01-2013 01-09-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-400-02 Design: Engineering Weather Data, with Change 1   09-20-2018 01-09-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-711-01 Family Housing, with Change 2   08-10-2018 02-14-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 1-200-01 DoD Building Code, with Change 3   09-01-2022 02-26-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-240-01 Wastewater Collection and Treatment, with Change 3   05-01-2020 03-01-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-240-03 Operation and Maintenance (O&M): Wastewater Treatment, with Change 1   10-03-2019 04-01-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings, with Change 3   12-12-2018 05-24-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-023-03 Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse, with Change 4   07-14-2009 06-10-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 4-152-01 Piers and Wharves, with Change 1   01-24-2017 08-28-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 2   04-11-2023 09-04-2024  PDF  CCR
UFC 3-701-01 DoD Facilities Pricing Guide, with Change 5   03-17-2022 09-10-2024  PDF  CCR
