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T08-S07 Contracting Officer and Lawyer Performance Contracting Roundtable  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
1.5 hours
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (ET)

Cincinnati, OH

0.2 CEU

This interactive roundtable will feature experienced agency contracting officers and energy lawyers discussing cutting-edge issues and lessons learned in delivering energy infrastructure projects under a variety of federal alternative contract mechanisms – including ESPCs, UESCs, ESAs, PPAs, Utilities Privatization, and others. Learn how to overcome legal and contractual impediments and move your project forward. Included in the discussion will be topics such as (1) the inclusion of electric vehicles and charging stations within performance contracts, (2) best practices in implementing energy storage, resilience, microgrids, or other non-traditional projects, and (3) the path forward toward incorporating the cost of carbon, resilience, and other benefits into the value stream of the project.


Seth Kirshenberg, Partner, Kutak Rock, LLP

Margaret Simmons, Counsel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Gabriel Soll, Procurement Attorney, Office of Procurement Law at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters

Evan Bishop, Contracting Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Daniel Douglass, Senior Counsel, DLA Counsel - Energy Office of Counsel

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session attendees will:

  • Identify legal and contractual challenges involved in various contract mechanisms;
  • Recognize the importance of multi-year contracting authority;
  • Identify cutting-edge issues in ESPCs and UESCs; and
  • Recognize the legal and contractual challenges in valuing resilient energy projects.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: