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T01-S10 Lessons Learned from Smart and Connected Large-Campuses Today  

Education Type: 
Live Online
1.5 Hours
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM (EST)
0.2 CEU

Understand how the federal government as well as other innovative public and private organizations are incorporating smart technologies across large sites/campuses today. This session will provide case studies of large sites and campuses to provide examples of the benefits and challenges of smart building technology implementation. Attendees will hear from experienced professionals that have successfully implemented campus- and installation-wide programs and will learn about effective strategies to implement at both federal and private sites.


Sam Cole, Energy Project Engineer, University California-Davis

Heather Buckberry, Group leader and senior technical project manager, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Hollie Schmidt, Principal, Jacobs

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session attendees will:

  • Recognize how the federal government as well as other innovative public and private organizations are incorporating smart technologies across large sites/campuses today;
  • Identify some of the challenges around campus- and site-wide programs and hear from experienced professionals on solutions that work;
  • Recognize some of the smart and connected technologies currently being implemented; and
  • Identify how to get stakeholder buy-in when trying to implement new technologies.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: