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Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in celogin_block_view() (line 31 of /home/wbdg/site/www/sites/all/modules/custom/celogin/celogin.module).

Training 115 - Standards, Requirements and Templates  

Education Type: 
0.5 Hour


This course introduces the documents that create the Standards, Requirements, and Guidelines for executing an OBO project using Building Information Modeling and Management (BIM). This course will illustrate the different roles Standards, Requirements, and Guidelines have in defining the different aspects of project deliverables.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to learn how:

  • OBO's Statement of Work (SOW) establishes BIM deliverables and identifies the related BIM requirements, standards, and guidelines;
  • OBO's BIM requirements define what information needs to be in each submittal;
  • OBO's BIM and CAD standards define how each submittal needs to Be assembled and packaged; and
  • To use OBO's BIM guidelines as exemplars for developing portions of the submittals.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: