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Training 102 - Data Catalogs Introduction  

Education Type: 
0.5 Hour


This course provides a high-level introduction to OBO Data Catalogs. OBO Catalogs are the
foundation of building any digital-driven process for BIM on projects and have other important uses as well. The first three catalogs are Spaces, Components, and Positions. The DOS BIM Road Map identified that OBO Data Catalogs became more valuable when stored digitally in a central location. OBO Catalogs are used for creating Space Requirement Programs (SRP) and Space Requirement Program Modules (SRP-Ms) for BIM.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to learn:

  • What catalogs are and why they are essential to OBO;
  • How OBO converted knowledge and information to catalogs;
  • How OBO catalogs become the source of truth;
  • How OBO catalogs are used in BIM; and
  • How OBO catalogs support all DOS embassies.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: