This manual is a directive for Architect and Engineer (A/E) design professionals for the planning and design of the site layout, parking, pedestrian and traffic circulation, grading, stormwater management, building location and orientation, site utilities, landscaping, irrigation, and other related systems at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. As a healthcare organization, VA’s focus is in treating veterans who, in some cases, have severe disabilities, including sight, hearing, and mobility. A/Es must always keep the interest of the sick and/or disabled veteran in mind when making decisions in locations where design choices affect veterans.
This design manual shall be utilized for all VA projects, i.e. major, minor, and NRM projects. It is expected that systems designed shall meet their primary intent of providing an accessible, safe, reliable, and sustainable facility. In order to provide the latitude needed to accommodate new technologies, methods and materials, and/or pre-existing field conditions, technical deviations from the stipulations of this manual may be made only if a safe, reliable, and sustainable design shall result. Such deviations must be approved by VA. Deviations that are not permitted are requirements included in public laws, federal regulations, executive orders, and all applicable codes.