Pre-Event WS: New Gen 4 FEMP-DOE ESPC IDIQ Contract - Updates, Best practices and New Resources  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
2 hours
8:00AM - 10:00AM (ET)

Pittsburgh, PA

0.3 CEU
Sponsored by: 

DOE Federal Energy Management Program - FEMP

DOE's Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) IDIQ helps agencies partner with energy services companies to increase energy efficiency and cut maintenance costs for federally owned buildings. This workshop will cover the new Gen4 DOE ESPC IDIQ contract, highlighting changes and updates from prior generations. Topic areas include key changes, best practices, and new and updated resources available to all stakeholders (federal agencies, energy service companies, project facilitators) supporting ESPCs under the Gen 4 contract.


Kurmit Rockwell, ESPC Program Manager, Federal Energy Management Program, Department of Energy  

Kurmit serves as the Performance Contracting team lead as the Contracting Officer's representative for the four generations of DOE ESPC IDIQ contracts. He helps FEMP's performance contracting team coordination services, tools, and resources needed to assist agencies with implementing successful performance contracts to achieve the requirements and goals of EA2020, EO14057, and the Climate Smart Building Initiative. Over a career spanning more than 30 years, Kurmit's work has included many aspects of ESPC and UESC project development, implementation, and performance for federal, state, and local governments.

Matt Joyner, Program Manager, Researcher, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)  

Matt works as a project manager in NREL's Project Development and Finance Group within the Accelerated Deployment and Decision Support Center. His work is primarily focused on supporting the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) in performance contracting and distributed energy procurement. Prior to joining NREL, Matt was an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and worked as a construction project manager with NORESCO. He has experience overseeing and managing projects that include building management system and HVAC control upgrades, LED lighting retrofits, boiler and chiller installations, and combined heat and power plant build outs.

Elizabeth Stuart, Energy Policy Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)  

Elizabeth (Liz) Stuart has worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) since 2009. She leads software development and stakeholder engagement for eProject Builder, the U.S. Department of Energy's secure, web-based, energy project data management system. She has been lead or co-author on more than two dozen LBNL reports and peer-reviewed journal articles on a range of topics including energy service company industry market and project trends, measurement and verification, building energy benchmarking, and energy efficiency and demand response programs and policies.

Eric J. Brandenburg, DOE ESPC IDIQ Contracting Officer, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)  

Eric Brandenburg is a Senior Contracting Officer for the Department of Energy (DOE) within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and is located in the Golden Field Office (GFO) in Colorado. Eric has supported the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) on various contracts (ESPC IDIQ, Project Facilitation, etc.) and other acquisition needs since June 2009. He is responsible for the administration of all generations of the DOE ESPC IDIQ contracts, including the recently awarded Generation 4.

Christine E. Walker, PhD, PE, CEM, CMVP, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)  

Dr. Christine Walker is a Senior Energy Advisor, providing technical support to the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and the Department of Defense. She performs engineering and economic analyses for the implementation of energy, resiliency, and cost savings projects at federal facilities. Before this position, Christine worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory supporting FEMP, and in industry for energy service companies for more than 10 years in developing ESPC projects in the public, private, and federal markets. She has over 20 years of experience leading and managing project development and engineering teams and addressing comprehensive energy management in the commercial, institutional, residential, and industrial markets through analytics and building performance analyses. Christine received her doctorate in building technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MBA and MS in business analytics from Indiana University Kelley School of Business, and her Master of Science in mechanical engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Illinois. She is a licensed professional engineer in multiple states.

Bridgette Rodgers, Federal Project Executive, Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL)  

Bridgette supports the Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). As a Federal Project Executive, she assists federal agencies in the Northeast part of the country with launching successful third party financed projects. She provides guidance to assist with acquisition planning tasks such as determining project feasibility, providing site and agency training, coordinating FEMP-qualified project facilitators, and determining project support services. Prior to joining the FEMP support team, she spent 16 years developing over $300M of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC) and Utility Energy Savings Contracts (UESC). She received her B.S in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Virginia and is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and Certified Energy Manager (CEM).

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify changes in new IDIQ Gen 4 ESPC contract;
  • Indicate how to navigate to FEMP tools for Performance Contracting;
  • Recognize how Federal Project Executive assist in getting PC started,
  • Select facts about eProject Builder for ESPC and UESC;
  • Identify the FEMP resources available.