Digital Built Week North America (DBWNA) is a series of events brought to you annually by the Digital Built Environment Institute. It is the flagship event designed to cater to the needs of those who design, build, operate and maintain our built environment. The week includes the sub-events of BILT, BCS, Data Day, DTS and the DBEI Hackathon. These events focus on the use of BIM tools, BIM processes and workflows, as well as project and practice strategies and leadership skills.

ASHRAE Ventilation 2021

The Ventilation 2021 Conference takes place Aug. 15-18, 2021 at the Sheraton City Centre in downtown Toronto. Inaugurated in 1985, the "Industrial Ventilation Conference" takes place every three years allowing time to develop new research and technology applications and to document the findings. The conference has rotated locations and organizers between Europe, North America and Southeast Asia. The 2021 conference will be hosted by ASHRAE.
