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UFC 1-200-01 DoD Building Code, with Change 3

UFC 1-200-01 represents the foundational document of the UFC program in providing general building requirements and overarching criteria, establishing the use of consensus building codes and standards, establishing criteria implementation rules and protocols (including core UFC), and identifying unique military criteria. In accordance with the authority in MIL-STD-3007, UFC are prepared by DoD committees called Discipline Working Group (DWG), and are published by the Military Services under the authority of the Engineering Senior Executive Panel (ESEP), comprised of the following:

FC 1-300-09N Navy and Marine Corps Design Procedures, with Change 6

This FC provides policy and standards for the design, development, and revision of project documents, including drawings, specifications, and Requests for Proposal, for facilities under the cognizance of NAVFAC. This FC has been developed to ensure consistency and clarity of project documents that form the basis of contracts for the design and construction of facilities.
