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Pre-Event WS: Getting Started With Your Performance Contract - Acquisition Planning and Contractor Selection

This workshop will step through guidance and best practices for federal agencies during the acquisition planning phase of a performance contract. Topic areas include navigating acquisition planning considerations for your letter of interest (utility energy service contract) or notice of opportunity (ESPC and ENABLE) such as project phasing; considerations for reserve accounts, leveraging appropriations, initiating a project with or without a preliminary assessment, use of the FEMP ESCO Selector Tools (ESPC and ENABLE), and considerations for contractor selection.

Pre-Event WS: Take the Guesswork Out of the Fleet Electrification Transition Process

This hands on training will provide all attendees the opportunity to learn about the capabilities of vehicle telematic technology, how to use it to inform the number of EVSE to be deployed at their facilities. In addition, EVI-LOCATE tool will be used to create a cost estimate of an EVSE design. This workshop will focus on understanding EV common metrics such us, miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent (MPGe) and kilowatt-hours (kWh) per 100 miles, EVSE power requirements, and cost estimate for EVSE deployment.
