WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.300 --> 00:00:03.303 This video will go over the HVAC form. 2 00:00:04.137 --> 00:00:07.140 You will get to this form by clicking on the HVAC 3 00:00:07.140 --> 00:00:10.410 or HVAC link from the energy Audit 4 00:00:10.410 --> 00:00:13.413 Input menu section as I am doing now. 5 00:00:14.080 --> 00:00:17.083 Building HVAC systems are both diverse 6 00:00:17.083 --> 00:00:20.520 and potentially very complicated. As such, 7 00:00:20.653 --> 00:00:24.824 this BAT section includes submenus for various important building 8 00:00:24.824 --> 00:00:26.760 HVAC subsystems 9 00:00:26.760 --> 00:00:30.830 as seen by the additional buttons on the left side of the data entry screen. 10 00:00:31.331 --> 00:00:33.600 When you first click the HVAC menu, 11 00:00:33.600 --> 00:00:36.569 you will be brought to the heating plant page. 12 00:00:36.569 --> 00:00:41.541 But first we will discuss what is similar across all entry forms. 13 00:00:42.342 --> 00:00:45.345 Generally, floor spaces and zones 14 00:00:45.545 --> 00:00:49.382 are available for defining the area served by these systems 15 00:00:50.016 --> 00:00:54.587 and will be a big driver in how spaces and zones are used 16 00:00:54.621 --> 00:00:55.355 through the BAT 17 00:00:56.723 --> 00:00:58.458 for the above reason, 18 00:00:58.458 --> 00:01:02.195 the submenus all include an additional link to the floor plan 19 00:01:02.195 --> 00:01:06.699 screen, which is available in the upper right section of the header bar. 20 00:01:08.201 --> 00:01:10.470 The user can also add a new space 21 00:01:10.470 --> 00:01:13.473 using the add space button. 22 00:01:13.706 --> 00:01:17.377 It is not always obvious at the start of an audit assessment 23 00:01:17.544 --> 00:01:22.749 what spaces and zones will be the most helpful to define in advance, 24 00:01:23.416 --> 00:01:28.488 and this link can be used to quickly add or adjust these definitions 25 00:01:28.488 --> 00:01:33.393 for data collection efficiency in real time during the walk through. 26 00:01:33.893 --> 00:01:37.797 Generally, spaces and zones are intended to help the user define 27 00:01:37.797 --> 00:01:41.067 the spaces served by the HVAC equipment 28 00:01:41.768 --> 00:01:44.504 On some submenus, 29 00:01:44.504 --> 00:01:48.208 spaces may also be used to define the location of the equipment. 30 00:01:48.942 --> 00:01:52.078 These fields are so marked. All the submenus 31 00:01:52.412 --> 00:01:55.081 make extensive use of pre-populated 32 00:01:55.081 --> 00:01:58.251 dropdown lists to expedite data entry. 33 00:01:58.818 --> 00:02:01.321 These are specific to each area 34 00:02:01.321 --> 00:02:05.125 and the user should fully explore these prior to a site visit. 35 00:02:06.059 --> 00:02:09.395 Familiarity with the content of these dropdowns 36 00:02:09.395 --> 00:02:12.632 will greatly enhance the user's experience with the BAT. 37 00:02:13.399 --> 00:02:16.202 In some cases, the user may need to enter data 38 00:02:16.202 --> 00:02:19.539 into several sections to completely characterize the system, 39 00:02:20.206 --> 00:02:25.311 such as hybrid system, which incorporates elements from multiple systems, 40 00:02:25.478 --> 00:02:29.883 may require the user to break the data entry into component parts. 41 00:02:30.783 --> 00:02:31.618 For example, 42 00:02:32.652 --> 00:02:34.387 central cooling system 43 00:02:34.387 --> 00:02:37.090 may require entries in the cooling plan. 44 00:02:37.090 --> 00:02:40.059 Cooling tower pumps H2 45 00:02:40.059 --> 00:02:43.563 and or terminal unit subsystems. 46 00:02:44.097 --> 00:02:47.800 Now we will break down the differences and what is required 47 00:02:47.800 --> 00:02:51.738 of each submenu. To get to the heating plant Submenu, 48 00:02:51.804 --> 00:02:55.208 Select the heating plant button in the navigation pane on the left, 49 00:02:56.242 --> 00:03:00.547 Unique fields on this submenu include type of heating plan, 50 00:03:01.014 --> 00:03:04.083 which offers the user the option to specify 51 00:03:04.083 --> 00:03:07.487 whether the heating plan is centralized or decentralized. 52 00:03:07.921 --> 00:03:13.193 Equipment Type. A dropdown list offers the user all the common types 53 00:03:13.193 --> 00:03:16.796 of heating equipment typical for central and decentralized plants. 54 00:03:18.064 --> 00:03:21.067 Heat input output readings 55 00:03:21.134 --> 00:03:25.939 which are fields provided to enter heat input and output capacity numbers. 56 00:03:26.406 --> 00:03:30.410 Standard units are specified. Heating fluid, 57 00:03:30.843 --> 00:03:34.480 which has steam and hot water, are provided as options 58 00:03:34.514 --> 00:03:39.485 although other systems may be specified. Boiler plant accessories, 59 00:03:39.953 --> 00:03:44.324 where options accessories such as economizers and Oxygen Trim 60 00:03:44.324 --> 00:03:48.895 are provided through the dropdown lists and controls. 61 00:03:48.895 --> 00:03:49.696 Description. 62 00:03:49.696 --> 00:03:53.132 Given that control systems vary greatly from system to system, 63 00:03:53.533 --> 00:03:57.770 the user is provided a textbox in which to describe the controls. 64 00:03:58.538 --> 00:04:01.774 The notes taken in this field will appear on the audit report 65 00:04:01.774 --> 00:04:05.878 for later use. And finally, condition assessment fields. 66 00:04:06.813 --> 00:04:09.582 There are several optional condition assessment 67 00:04:09.582 --> 00:04:13.253 fields in this submenu, including boiler age and condition. 68 00:04:14.287 --> 00:04:20.026 Next we have the cooling plant submenu to get to the cooling plant submenu. 69 00:04:20.159 --> 00:04:23.162 Select the button on the left side of the navigation screen. 70 00:04:23.997 --> 00:04:29.002 This menu is like the one for heating plants in both form and function. 71 00:04:29.535 --> 00:04:33.106 However, equipment specification fields are customized 72 00:04:33.106 --> 00:04:36.109 to include equipment common for chiller plants. 73 00:04:36.242 --> 00:04:41.014 Next, we have the cooling tower submenu to get to the cooling tower Submenu. 74 00:04:41.147 --> 00:04:44.317 Select the button on the left side of the navigation screen. 75 00:04:45.351 --> 00:04:47.520 Cooling towers are an important part 76 00:04:47.520 --> 00:04:52.792 of a variety of heating cooling systems and a separate input menu 77 00:04:52.792 --> 00:04:55.795 is provided for use to describe their use 78 00:04:55.862 --> 00:04:58.498 at the building facility. 79 00:04:58.498 --> 00:05:01.534 The only required field is the cooling tower type. 80 00:05:02.735 --> 00:05:04.437 Next, we have the pump 81 00:05:04.437 --> 00:05:07.473 sub menu. To get to the pump submenu, 82 00:05:08.107 --> 00:05:11.344 Select the button on the left side of the navigation screen 83 00:05:12.011 --> 00:05:15.982 and input form is provided to allow the user to characterize 84 00:05:15.982 --> 00:05:20.787 major pumps and the form functions the same as those prior 85 00:05:21.587 --> 00:05:24.590 Asterisked entries are required. 86 00:05:24.891 --> 00:05:28.027 In the interest of keeping this video as concise as possible. 87 00:05:28.561 --> 00:05:32.432 For more information on details of the form, please refer to the user guide. 88 00:05:33.266 --> 00:05:36.102 Next, we have the piping submenu. 89 00:05:36.102 --> 00:05:38.971 To get to the piping submenu, select the button 90 00:05:38.971 --> 00:05:41.974 on the left side of the navigation screen. 91 00:05:42.141 --> 00:05:47.246 An input form is provided to characterize the condition and characteristics 92 00:05:47.580 --> 00:05:50.850 of important pipe assemblies in the building or facility. 93 00:05:52.151 --> 00:05:56.522 Conceptually, the intention of this menu is to offer 94 00:05:56.789 --> 00:06:00.493 the user the ability to characterize potential heat losses 95 00:06:00.727 --> 00:06:05.832 from poorly insulated piping and inputs have been designed accordingly. 96 00:06:06.332 --> 00:06:09.836 The BAT will accommodate as many entries as are required 97 00:06:09.836 --> 00:06:12.171 to properly characterize such losses. 98 00:06:13.473 --> 00:06:16.676 A text field is also provided to describe issues 99 00:06:16.676 --> 00:06:20.012 with the uninsulated valves or steam traps. 100 00:06:20.346 --> 00:06:23.349 Next, we have the AHU submenu 101 00:06:23.916 --> 00:06:26.753 to get to the AHU Submenu. 102 00:06:26.753 --> 00:06:30.022 Select the button on the left side of the navigation screen, 103 00:06:30.390 --> 00:06:33.393 the air handling unit or AHU 104 00:06:33.393 --> 00:06:37.597 Input form is the longest and most complicated form in the BAT. 105 00:06:38.398 --> 00:06:42.268 Given the wide variety of options installed with such systems, 106 00:06:42.969 --> 00:06:46.272 an extensive list of input field is provided. 107 00:06:46.873 --> 00:06:48.541 Fields to specify the area served 108 00:06:48.541 --> 00:06:53.045 the type of equipment, supply fan characteristics, 109 00:06:53.546 --> 00:06:58.084 cooling and heating coil information and controls are available for input. 110 00:06:59.485 --> 00:07:02.455 Next, we have the terminal sub menu 111 00:07:02.455 --> 00:07:04.891 to get to the terminal Sub menu. 112 00:07:04.891 --> 00:07:07.894 Select the button on the left side of the navigation screen. 113 00:07:08.861 --> 00:07:12.632 The input form for terminal units is used to collect data 114 00:07:12.632 --> 00:07:17.003 for a wide variety of units as listed in the unit type dropdown. 115 00:07:18.704 --> 00:07:20.339 Non-Listed Unit types 116 00:07:20.339 --> 00:07:24.177 can be added using the other selection and input field. 117 00:07:25.378 --> 00:07:29.482 This form also includes data entry fields for the condensing unit. 118 00:07:29.782 --> 00:07:34.387 Terminal Unit control and heating coil information as applicable. 119 00:07:35.254 --> 00:07:38.558 The BAS or EMS EVHS 120 00:07:38.791 --> 00:07:42.195 exhaust fan and other HP AC submenus 121 00:07:42.628 --> 00:07:45.631 all give the option to input such details 122 00:07:46.065 --> 00:07:49.802 about any relevant system or units installed on site. 123 00:07:50.670 --> 00:07:55.875 You will notice that other HVAC is red and therefore represents the option 124 00:07:55.875 --> 00:07:59.912 to input FCA related information into the BAT 125 00:08:00.613 --> 00:08:03.783 Once the required information in the selection is complete, 126 00:08:04.083 --> 00:08:07.854 you can return to the main menu by clicking on the main audit menu. 127 00:08:07.954 --> 00:08:11.390 Return link at the top of the page, as I am doing now.