WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.967 --> 00:00:06.072 This video will go over the basic of data entry on an energy audit. 2 00:00:06.172 --> 00:00:10.310 We are currently looking at the Energy Audit Main menu 3 00:00:10.410 --> 00:00:12.545 to explain the basics of data entry, 4 00:00:12.545 --> 00:00:17.017 Select domestic hot water for an example. 5 00:00:17.083 --> 00:00:19.052 Data is added to the BAT 6 00:00:19.052 --> 00:00:22.322 by entering data into predefined fields. 7 00:00:22.389 --> 00:00:26.860 The types of fields the user will encounter are as follows 8 00:00:26.926 --> 00:00:29.929 Editable and required. 9 00:00:29.929 --> 00:00:33.133 Editable but not required. 10 00:00:33.199 --> 00:00:34.601 Not editable. 11 00:00:34.601 --> 00:00:36.403 These are pre-populated. 12 00:00:36.403 --> 00:00:37.737 Specialty fields. 13 00:00:37.737 --> 00:00:38.838 Radio Buttons. 14 00:00:38.838 --> 00:00:40.040 Pulldown menus. 15 00:00:40.040 --> 00:00:42.642 Specialty entry fields such as dates. 16 00:00:42.642 --> 00:00:44.677 Use the calendar, 17 00:00:44.677 --> 00:00:47.981 note fields, photo fields. 18 00:00:48.081 --> 00:00:52.986 Some fields have imposed formats, dates, percentages. 19 00:00:53.053 --> 00:00:55.388 The formatting requirements of these fields 20 00:00:55.388 --> 00:00:59.726 are usually indicated in the tool adjacent to the entry field, 21 00:00:59.793 --> 00:01:04.864 such as the year installed for a domestic hot water heater. 22 00:01:04.931 --> 00:01:08.868 Some fields do not have required formatting restrictions, 23 00:01:08.968 --> 00:01:13.106 but they may have character length restrictions. 24 00:01:13.173 --> 00:01:13.740 In most 25 00:01:13.740 --> 00:01:17.911 places, such restrictions are noted on the entry screen. 26 00:01:17.977 --> 00:01:20.880 Large note entry fields generally 27 00:01:20.880 --> 00:01:24.117 allow up to 4,000 characters. 28 00:01:24.184 --> 00:01:27.720 Some smaller description fields may be restricted to as few 29 00:01:27.720 --> 00:01:31.491 as 255 characters or less. 30 00:01:31.591 --> 00:01:35.128 Before proceeding to the main menu or submenu, 31 00:01:35.195 --> 00:01:38.865 the user must take one of the following action. 32 00:01:38.965 --> 00:01:41.835 Press the save button, which is typically located 33 00:01:41.835 --> 00:01:46.172 at the top and bottom of every data entry form. 34 00:01:46.239 --> 00:01:51.177 If available, select add new, which will save the record currently 35 00:01:51.177 --> 00:01:56.583 being worked on and prepare the form to enter an additional record. 36 00:01:56.649 --> 00:01:58.718 Exit to the audit menu 37 00:01:58.718 --> 00:02:02.856 by following the main audit hyperlink at the top of the page. 38 00:02:02.922 --> 00:02:05.758 Note that the BAT does not have an explicit cancel 39 00:02:05.758 --> 00:02:08.761 button for all data entries screens. 40 00:02:08.962 --> 00:02:11.898 If data entry is begun on a form 41 00:02:11.898 --> 00:02:16.903 and the user attempts to exit before add new or save is requested, 42 00:02:17.003 --> 00:02:20.140 The user should press the escape key (esc) 43 00:02:20.306 --> 00:02:25.645 which will clear the form and allow the user to move to another form. 44 00:02:25.712 --> 00:02:26.312 There are 45 00:02:26.312 --> 00:02:31.050 also a number of different types of user input controls that are useful 46 00:02:31.050 --> 00:02:35.755 when doing an audit from a tablet without a keyboard 47 00:02:35.822 --> 00:02:38.424 by double clicking different types of boxes. 48 00:02:38.424 --> 00:02:41.294 You can access some of these alternatives. 49 00:02:41.294 --> 00:02:43.830 For example, if you double click 50 00:02:43.830 --> 00:02:48.101 a box that requires a numerical input, a number pad 51 00:02:48.101 --> 00:02:52.505 will pop up on the screen as I am showing you now. 52 00:02:52.572 --> 00:02:55.875 You can close this pop up by clicking cancel 53 00:02:55.875 --> 00:03:00.980 or save. The buttons on the calculator function intuitively. 54 00:03:01.080 --> 00:03:03.416 Go ahead and click cancel. 55 00:03:03.416 --> 00:03:05.718 Next, double click a box 56 00:03:05.718 --> 00:03:09.856 that requires a text or mixed input. 57 00:03:09.956 --> 00:03:12.959 Note the on screen query keyboard. 58 00:03:13.193 --> 00:03:16.629 This tool also functions intuitively. 59 00:03:16.696 --> 00:03:22.535 It can also be closed by pressing save or cancel like I am doing now. 60 00:03:22.602 --> 00:03:23.870 There are also dropdown 61 00:03:23.870 --> 00:03:27.740 boxes such as for unit and multi selects 62 00:03:27.840 --> 00:03:30.810 that allow you to select multiple options 63 00:03:30.810 --> 00:03:34.480 such as for main uses of hot water. 64 00:03:34.547 --> 00:03:38.818 The last alternative entry method is a spinner control. 65 00:03:38.885 --> 00:03:42.155 If you scroll down to pipe diameter, 66 00:03:42.222 --> 00:03:45.658 you can see arrows next to the box. 67 00:03:45.725 --> 00:03:50.096 Clicking these arrows allow you to incrementally increase 68 00:03:50.096 --> 00:03:52.398 the value in the box. 69 00:03:52.398 --> 00:03:54.834 After making any changes to entries, 70 00:03:54.834 --> 00:03:58.771 One should always be sure to scroll back to the top and click the Green 71 00:03:58.771 --> 00:03:59.706 Save button.