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The Guide to Green Embassies (the Guide) is a tool to support embassy and consulate personnel in achieving sustainable goals for buildings, grounds, and operations. By adopting the best practices detailed in the Guide, missions build stronger foundations for eco-diplomacy through demonstrating America’s commitment to environmental stewardship in ways that are tangible to host country visitors, citizens, and leaders. Sustainability is also an ideal way to highlight American ingenuity and leadership in cleantech, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and high-performance, sustainable solutions.

The Guide provides guidance and defines strategies for Chiefs of Mission (COMs), post management staff, and post green champions—formally organized into Post Green Teams or not—to improve and manage facilities in safer, more secure, functional, efficient, reliable, and sustainable ways. By implementing these guidelines, post staff can contribute to the Department’s progress in achieving federal performance goals; in building awareness, knowledge, and skill capacity overseas; and in strengthening our missions as platforms for eco-diplomacy.