T06-S08 Water: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
1 hour
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM (ET)

Cincinnati, OH

0.2 CEU

Water and wastewater technologies have developed exponentially. Water reclamation - greywater use; waste-to-energy; balancing practices and water quality are essential for sustaining buildings, campus, facilities, installations, personnel, and organizational readiness. This training session will provide an overview of current water and wastewater best practices being implemented by Federal agencies and emerging technologies which support these efforts. Session speakers will come from a spectrum of government agencies and commercial technology providers.


Christine Ploschke, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Energy and Sustainability, Department of Defense - Army

Cissy Ma, Environmental Engineer, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Edith Martinez-Guerra, Research Environmental Engineer, Department of Defense - Army

Brian Boyd, Mechanical Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session attendees will:

  • Identify how to utilize water and wastewater emerging technologies;
  • Recognize how to incorporate water and wastewater best practices to support water program strategy;
  • Recognize the importance of resource alignment (funding, policy changes, process changes); and
  • Identify how to monitor performance of water and wastewater technologies and make appropriate.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: