Commander's Guide to Facilities Excellence (AMC)  

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Our Installations are small communities where people work and live. Excellent facilities are a critical component of excellent installations. The quality of facilities has significant impact on our ability to support the mission, and to attract, motivate, and retain highly skilled and dedicated people. Investment in outstanding facilities translates to investment in quality people and excellence in operational mission capability. The success of our communities is directly affected by our vision and our efforts. Develop AMC installations to maximize mission accomplishment, optimize use of existing facilities, and provide the most efficient, safe, and professional surroundings possible.

Design standards are the wellspring from which installation quality is drawn. Urban, architectural, and engineering standards form the vision. Maintenance standards help insure that materials and systems give prolonged service and superior life-cycle performance. A facility that is out of context with the base design theme, or located at an incompatible site, is a 50-year mistake. Use this guide as a reference document to achieve success. In short, establish a vision, plan, design, execute, and maintain. Continually survey the base for compliance with our standards and look for ways to improve the community. Excellence is a continuous journey.

Federal Facility Criteria: